Wine Tours in Tuscany - About Angie - +39 3333185705 -
The good wine is in the vineyard
Perhaps you will know the old fable of the Fox and the Grape by Aesop, telling the strange human behaviors. During the Florence wine tour we want to tell you of another grape and another fox, beginning with an Italian proverb which says: “The good wine is made in the vineyard”, which means that you can have the best winery in the world and the best winemakers available but the good wine comes first and foremost from the vine. And the vines come from the earth, thanks to the contact with the natural elements that make them well, as well the altitude and exposure to the sun.
From the earth to the hearth
The vine prefers poor soils. Put in the condition of having little or nothing to live, pushes its roots deeper into the soil, where minerals nourish it. For this reason the best wines come from soil apparently very poor. Think of a stony and very permeable soil; here “born” the wines of the highest quality, high alcohol content and intensely fragrant. Think then to sandy soils, origin of complex and delicately fragrant wines; to clay soils able to give to the vines those important nutrients that make the grapes “mothers” of rich wines. Finally the limestone soils, almost white to see, they crumble easily as if no living being can live there; and instead, from them along with red soil, come wines of superlative quality, very alcoholic, low acidity and very fragrant.
The fox is also the protagonist of the friendship story “Little Prince” by Antoine de Saint-Exupery whose name is also that of a famous Bordeaux. The fox says: “The essential is invisible to the eye”.
Terroir and vine variety
So you can wisely think the vine completes an important extraction of “good things” from the depth of the hearth, an invisible but essential work. Perhaps this is why the modern enology divides wines in terroir wines and vine variety wines.
The first are wines characterized by geological and geographical quality of the land that hosts the vineyards, harking back to winemaking traditional techniques, typical of the region where they were born, like Chianti Classico and Chianti and the other top wines such as Super Tuscan wines. In the seconds you just feel the aromas of the grape varieties. The production doesn’t depend on the territory, often the “style” purpose is to make wines that meet the fashionable taste.
Come and discover, along with Fox, the vines and the terroir of our Chianti wine and Super Tuscan wine!